Introducing My Newest Book: Powerful Decisions!

1-min. read

Today marks a double milestone!

First, this is my 100th Sherpa Tuesday post. I couldn’t be more ecstatic with the great community of readers who have supported and encouraged me for more than two years!

Second, I have just finished putting together my first book – Powerful Decisions – covering a topic that’s genuinely close to my heart: problem resolution and decision-making.

Our lives are all about decisions. We’re making thousands of them every single day.

With experience, some of these decisions become second nature, while others – often the most complex – keep challenging us. And in most cases, the insights and data at our fingertips are too limited.

You wish you’d have more time to weigh the pros and cons, but too often, one must decide now!

So, how can you ensure you’re making the best possible decisions?

A fascinating question that I pondered through the years and that I enjoy deconstructing.

As a business and product leader, I’ve been involved in many of these decisions for my teams and focused on helping them become strong decision-makers.

This book, Powerful Decisions, is a collection of my key articles and posts on the matter. It covers a wide range of principles and techniques I have learned and practiced, from first principles mental models to root-cause analysis to how to deal with uncertainty.

Have you ever wondered how to predict the future better? Are you still struggling with the 5-Whys technique? Or, do you just wish you’d be able to get better insights?

Then, Powerful Decisions will be a great companion for you. You’ll learn practically how I ended up mastering key decision-making techniques and how you can too.

The ebook version is now available on Amazon, and I wanted you to be the first to know.

Take a look, and spread the word. Or even better, get one copy, post a review and share it with your community.

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